What’s up, Stranger?

3 min readMay 7, 2022


It was 20 past 7 in the evening. I just got the Metro train ticket. I could hear the train arriving and so I raced onto the escalator only to manoeuvre through the crowd. Somehow, I got into the packed train. I knew I need to hold on to the handrail. With great difficulty, I shifted the backpack to my front, pulled my phone out, went through a few podcast recommendations, picked my favorite one, and plugged in the earphones only to hear my mind saying, “YES! I’m ready for the next 45-minute journey amidst the hubbub” before tapping the Play button.

A couple of stations passed by and I could get a seat for myself. I checked the compartment if any women and elders were standing, but none. Happy and comfortable to sit for the next 40 minutes. Listening to the podcast, I was leaning back and forth. I looked to my left out of nowhere only to find a girl looking at me. She wasn’t trying to look away all of a sudden when I noticed her staring at me, but she did make an almost effective attempt at gradually diverting her gaze away from me. The funniest, if not the finest thing was that she had a strange mysterious smile on her face the entire time.

People were getting down, and others were getting in as the stations passed by. We were deliberate in our attempts of exchanging glances but made sure to be as candid as possible. It was quite funny but somehow I showed zero expressions on my face. There comes the last station and I got down. I don’t know why but I felt all of this quite intimidating too. I didn’t want to check on her again and I didn’t look anywhere but on my way towards the exit. I’m not quite sure why.

I booked a bike to get to my house. Soon, the bike arrived and in no time, I’m on the way to my house. Unfortunately, I was stuck at a 90-second traffic signal. Just like every other person, I looked around in the sea of people and vehicles. Again, to my left, I found this weird pretty girl watching me sitting in the corner seat of a bus. Now, she had a proper smile on her face. No more mystery. I was looking at her and laughing. She tried gesturing with the phone in her hand. But, the traffic signal had other plans. All of a sudden, the vehicles started honking and moving. My bike and the driver were too good to move so far that I missed her bus. Soon, we took a left turn which made me pretty sure that I missed this girl completely.

I’m not sure if I’d meet this girl again. Even if I looked at her right now, I’m not sure I’d recognize her. The previous hour had been so fascinating that a stranger was staring at me, whom I was looking back at, which was both terrifying and amusing. Maybe, she’s writing all this somewhere online. Maybe, I’ll get to read it some other time. Maybe, she’d be reading this soon. The word ‘may be’ gives me the liberty to write anything over here. Okay, enough of my imagination! Tata bye bye!! Also, do let me know if you have had any funny yet weird experiences like this one.

